[OpenFontLibrary] LGM 2013 and libre typography

Vernon Adams vern at newtypography.co.uk
Tue Apr 16 15:08:42 PDT 2013

yep. I simply removed the parenthese from around the url links, so the links worked.
Will add some proper comments later :)

On 16 Apr 2013, at 02:38, Raphaël Bastide <raphael.bastide at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Here is a draft for a summary concerning the emerging projects around Libre typography. As this is an open text, feel free to correct and complete it. This text could be used as LGM report as well.
> http://titanpad.com/lgm13-typography
> Cheers,
> Raphaël Bastide
> raphaelbastide.com

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