[OpenFontLibrary] Looking for collaborative projects

Victor Gaultney vtype at gaultney.org
Mon Jul 15 08:28:52 PDT 2013

Hello Open Font Library people -

I'm looking for some help from any of you who have been involved in collaborative font projects. The programme for October's ATypI conference in Amsterdam has been published, and I'm giving a talk on 'Open and collaborative font design in a web fonts world':


In the short time I have (40 mins) I hope to give a summary of the success of open fonts over the last decade, but also bring up some of the more difficult issues. This group has done a good job of highlighting where the OFL model in particular is both great and troublesome, but I'm not limiting the scope to OFL.

In particular, I'd like to hear either privately or on this list about any specifically collaborative open font projects that you've been involved in. By 'collaborative' I mean where:

- the design & engineering is done by multiple people not from the same studio or company (though they could be friends)
- there is a reasonably successful mechanism in place for contributors to add their work to the whole
- there is an iterative process, not just passing the baton from designer to engineer to publisher only once
- something reasonably useful has been produced and made available
- it's not 99% the work of one person with a couple of tiny additions

The contributions could be of different kinds - for example, one person doing the glyph design, one person the OpenType, one person the hinting, one person the engineering. However, it should be a group effort, not just person A handing off to person B then going away.

I would love to highlight some successful collaborative projects, so please write me this week with details.



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