[OpenFontLibrary] [GFD] Re: Treatment of the OFL in the wild

Vernon Adams vern at newtypography.co.uk
Tue Jun 4 17:01:51 PDT 2013

Dave - Haha, but not sure if you are joking or not :)

@Rich - I know what you mean, but i see things more round the another way. I'm more interested in getting more and more freely available fonts into the hands of more users, rather than creating fonts that are more legal object than typographic object.  Some large foundries have started distributing Free fonts. It's a good start, but I wish it was being done in a way that made the fonts even more free. I'm more interested in how fonts can be designed that can be as free as possible, even when they are simply embedded or only distributed as chopped up woff files.


On 4 Jun 2013, at 16:50, Dave Crossland <dave at lab6.com> wrote:

> I believe these lawsuits are currently the most profitable business
> model for font copyright holders.

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