[OpenFontLibrary] [GFD] Treatment of the OFL in the wild

Khaled Hosny khaledhosny at eglug.org
Wed Jun 5 06:06:38 PDT 2013

On Wed, Jun 05, 2013 at 08:35:00AM -0400, Dave Crossland wrote:
> On 5 June 2013 08:26, Khaled Hosny <khaledhosny at eglug.org> wrote:
> >> Web fonts are never embedding, they are always separate resources that are
> >> linked to documents.
> >
> > And so are fonts embedded in PDF files
> Is it changing the data representation from binary to base64 ascii
> encoding that makes for you distribution of the font data then
> 'embedding'?

What else would qualify as embedding?

> Or is it the distribution of the font data inline in a single file
> that also contains document data what makes it 'embedding'?
> Typekit uses base64 encoding of its fonts as part of its normal
> distribution mechanism. The data isn't inline in a single file, it is
> linked to in a separate style file that is served from a different
> server to the document. Do you see Typekit as linking or embedding the
> fonts?

I personally see the mere use of @font-face as a form of embedding not
distribution, how the fonts are embedded are mere technicalities, but
base64 encoded strings are a more clear form of embedding than other
(more clear in the sense that it resembles peoples expectation of
embedding from the pre-web eras).


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