[OpenFontLibrary] [GFD] Treatment of the OFL in the wild

Victor Gaultney vtype at gaultney.org
Wed Jun 5 09:17:28 PDT 2013

On 5 Jun 2013, at 16:51, Vernon Adams <vern at newtypography.co.uk> wrote:

> And the OFL definition of 'embedding' is … ?

From the FAQ:

Question: 1.11 What do you mean by 'embedding'? How does that differ from other means of distribution?

Answer: By 'embedding' we mean inclusion of the font in a document or file in a way that makes extraction (and redistribution) difficult or clearly discouraged. In many cases the names of embedded fonts might also not be obvious to those reading the document, the font data format might be altered, and only a subset of the font - only the glyphs required for the text - might be included. Any other means of delivering a font to another person is considered 'distribution', and needs to be accompanied by any copyright notices and licensing information available in OFL.txt.

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