[OpenFontLibrary] [GFD] Treatment of the OFL in the wild
Nicolas Mailhot
nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Fri Jun 7 03:41:21 PDT 2013
Le Mer 5 juin 2013 21:23, Vernon Adams a écrit :
> "Any other means of delivering a
> font to another person is considered 'distribution" Correct?
> So... that single file that is pulled into your browser cache from typekit
> etc is a distribution of an OFL font.
When I pushed for Fedora to officially endorse the OFL, it was very clear
in my mind that embedding was still a distribution of the font bits, and
that the OFL embedding clause merely stated there was a requirement
boundary between the embedded font and the rest of the document.
I'm pretty sure the public debate at that time was crystal-clear on this
point (wish for a lgpl-like barrier between the font and the document
created with the font, for the same reason the FSF had to propose a font
exception to the GPL).
I'm quite saddened the OFL FAQ has been used since to twist the license
meaning, without any public debate and just for convenience.
Nicolas Mailhot
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