[OpenFontLibrary] [GFD] Treatment of the OFL in the wild
Vernon Adams
vern at newtypography.co.uk
Sat Jun 8 09:29:12 PDT 2013
This firefox add-on
pretty much does the job, except it does not support downloading fonts from data urls, because "Font providers like Typekit use data urls to obfuscate copyrighted fonts. "
It would seem to be a fairly mundane matter to add that feature to this add-on. The original author no longer maintains the add-on but the code is free under the firefox license thingy.
The result would be that a Firefox user can select text on any web page, right click to download the font used to set that text, as a woff file.
This would allow webfont service providers a much more streamlined and efficient way to distribute their free fonts as downloadable font files, for users to use in print works too. No need for 'download' links, etc etc, to be built & maintained on the server side :) Yay!! win-win :)
On 7 Jun 2013, at 15:02, Vernon Adams <vern at newtypography.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Hence why i would like to see a web tool that easilly identifies a
>>> woff font in a web page, extracts the font from the browser cache,
>>> converts it to OTF or TTF and downloads it for any other use.
>> If you want to fund it, I can find a developer.
> Yes maybe, and i have asked around a little already. It seems more than worthwhile.
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