[OpenFontLibrary] MajorVersion MinorVersion
vernon adams
vern at newtypography.co.uk
Mon Sep 23 09:35:28 PDT 2013
My actual versioning system is itself only at 0.2.
v0.1 was a sort of incremental numbering based on a 'yeh whatever' start version number.
With 0.2 i have been trying to keep to 0.01 when i first push a design to github, remembering 'this is software source', and then going up, until i reach a first 'public release' that should get a 0.1. Then each time a release feels like a 'major revision' to me i go up a whole tenth. Not yet reached a 1.0 with this yet :)
I'm hoping with 0.3 of my versioning system i will have found a good system and will stick to it .
Khaled's approach seems good to me. Start with 0.0001. Think i'll implement that.
On 23 Sep 2013, at 07:30, Eric Schrijver <eric at authoritism.net> wrote:
> But what I’m interested in is—what kind of versioning systems are people using in the wild?
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