[Openicc] common ICC profile directory

Marti Maria marti at littlecms.com
Thu Feb 26 02:03:59 EST 2004


Just a thought regarding average user-- [..]/share/cmm/icc may sound confusing for people not aware what CMM/ICC stands for. So,
what about using /share/color/icc instead? Yeah, I know, "color" is probably too much wide, but would make sense for a geek trying
to figure out what all those files are.

Marti Maria
The little cms project
marti at littlecms.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert L Krawitz" <rlk at alum.mit.edu>
To: <ku.b at gmx.de>
Cc: <openicc at pdx.freedesktop.org>; <marti at littlecms.com>; <GraemeGill at access.net.au>; <rower at MovieEditor.com>; <kleins at web.de>;
<Oliver.Rauch at xsane.org>; <khk at khk.net>; <mike at easysw.com>; <raph at acm.org>; <rlk at speakeasy.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 2:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Openicc] common ICC profile directory

   Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 15:25:50 +0100 (CET)
   From: Kai-Uwe Behrmann <ku.b at gmx.de>

   going more public I think about a good location for ICC profiles under

   The one place should be good for many applications and environments.
   Good transparency for networks and possibly osX conformity for better
   migration between both oss are valuable requirements.
   An option would be to go conform with SGI/Solaris. Only, I could not yet
   figure out an standard path there.

   I would prefere one directory for all profiles. An CMM can select the
   correct profiles by the icProfileClassSignature. (Scribus and cinepaint
   does it this way under linux and I have seen this kind for gui design
   elsewhere too.)

   /[opt,usr]/share/icc is what I would think at first.

/usr/share/icc or /usr/share/cmm/icc makes sense for profiles that are
distributed with a system package (e. g. if Gimp-Print were to package
a set of profiles in its distribution), and /usr/local/share/cmm/icc
for packages that are built and installed locally.  Profiles created
on-site (e. g. for a particular monitor) would belong in /etc, I

I recommend /usr/share/cmm/icc rather than /usr/share/icc because
there may be profiles other than ICC profiles, and /usr/share/cmm
suggests that all color management information belongs there.

Robert Krawitz                                     <rlk at alum.mit.edu>

Tall Clubs International  --  http://www.tall.org/ or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail lpf at uunet.uu.net
Project lead for Gimp Print   --    http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net

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