[OpenICC] transform cache

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Tue Dec 14 21:02:09 EST 2004


as I understood transforms (as used by lcms and maybe others as well) are
the same like device link profiles. Can then an transform caching beeing
done by using devicelink profiles for all CMMs? This would simply the
transform handling mechanism. Oyranos could provide the storage logic.

char* oyGetTransform(char** profileNames, int nProfiles, int flags);

The retrieved char* would contain an valid device link profile name in the
first stage or zero.
In an later stage, the returned string can contain an transform identifier
used to let oyranos pass the transforming function call to the plugged and
current CMM.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
                                + imaging development / panoramas
                                + color management
                                + email: ku.b at gmx.de
                                + CMS proposal <www.behrmann.name>

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