[Openicc] GIMP color management

Hal V. Engel hvengel at astound.net
Sat Feb 12 13:01:22 EST 2005

The GIMP project has started working on adding color management 
features.  They are at the point where they are taking about design 
issues and putting together some of the beginning code fragments.  
GIMP CVS now has a color management preferences dialog that at present 
does not do anything other than let you set some preferences.  And 
work is underway on a plugin that does things like embedding profiles 
and doing color space transformations.  This plugin is far enough 
along that it is usable on GIMP 2.x.

I know that others on this list are with projects that have implemented 
CM.  For example, Scribus, CinePaint and GraphicsMagick have all 
implemented CM and folks who work on these projects are members of 
this list.  Unlike Scribus, CinePaint and GraphicsMagick which are 
specialized applications GIMP is a very widely used application.  I 
believe that GIMP adding CM brings CM to a point where this has 
reached critical mass in the open source world.   It is time that 
there were at least some basic system wide CM standards put in place 
for open source platforms.

I am taking the initiative to invite those interested in working with 
the GIMP team or following the progress of their CM project to join 
the GIMP-developer email list so that you can at least help to guide 
them away from pitfalls.   And perhaps this will lead to additional 
work on open source standards for CM which would benefit everyone.

Hal V. Engel
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