[Openicc] color-policy vs. color-infrastructure

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Fri Mar 18 21:06:05 EST 2005

Am 16.03.05, 00:12 +1100 schrieb Graeme Gill:

> > Thats maybe an information applications can easily provide by intelligent
> > scaling down an small sample image and using the ncl2 tag to store its
> > colours (I do in CinePaint).
> A hierarchical image format would certainly make creating such a gamut
> a lot faster.

Pyramidial images contain at the best antialiased versions. I dont think 
this is of much use to determine the gamut extents of an image.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
                                + development for color management 
                                + imaging / panoramas
                                + email: ku.b at gmx.de
                                + http://www.behrmann.name

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