[Openicc] Color management in gimp - not really

Robin Rowe rower at MovieEditor.com
Fri Apr 8 02:33:00 EST 2005


> But frame buffers are going to floating point representations, with 64
> bit color depth, in the next generation. So presuming 888 RGB isn't true
> much longer.  We anticipate having to deal with these deeper visual
> types quite soon (within the next couple years).

Two years isn't really "quite soon", is it?

Regarding future GIMP 64-bit support that seems to be for 16-bit per channel 
unsigned -- not floating point.

The "next generation" you mention is GIMP's GEGL effort undertaken 2000 and 
expected within a couple years ever since. I'm unaware of any recently 
announced delivery estimate for GEGL, but could have missed it. If you have 
something official please give the URL.


Robin.Rowe at MovieEditor.com   Beverly Hills, California
www.CinePaint.org - Open source digital motion picture software 

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