[Openicc] krita and colormanagement

Casper Boemann cbr at boemann.dk
Mon Jun 13 23:15:50 EST 2005


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Casper and I'm a developer of krita - 
the KOffice image manipulation and paint program

Krita uses lcms for colormanagement, and does it in much the same way as 
photoshop. We have monitor, workspace, printer and scanner profiles.

Actually we have many different workspace profiles as each layer can have it's 
own colorspace.

All work is done in a workspace profile, composited and converted to the 
display profile.

We'll have proofing and out of gamma warning in the not so distant future. The 
colormanagement is still what you might call beta state, but it should be 

Filters and color adjustment is still hardcoded to plain old style rgb in many 
cases, but we are in the progress of making krita colorspace independent 

Next in our quest to make it colorspace independent is the color adjustment 
tools (like brightness/contrast).
best regards / venlig hilsen
Casper Boemann

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