[Openicc] XICC specification draft

Carol Spears carol at gimp.org
Sat Jun 25 04:02:24 EST 2005

On Sat, Jun 25, 2005 at 12:02:47AM +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
> Call me insane, but one of my goals at work is to be able to use desktop
> publishing apps on /thin clients/ for some of our users. I see no reason
> why the advertising dep't shouldn't be able to open last week's ad,
> change a price, and save it. I'm not sure I see why they should have to
> ask Production to save a PDF copy just so they can preview it, either,
> or why the should be unable to get accurate colour* just because their
> display happens to be remote. None of these tasks are all that
> demanding, it's not like they'd be doing video editing or manipulating
> big images.
i am curious about this example situation.

your advertising department needs the color conversion to edit existing
managed files?

i am the worst one i know for this "i have to see it to believe it"
attitude, especially when it comes to machines, but there is a problem
with this simplistic example.

i use only the least color enabled graphics application available (if
you like me, believe all the hype).  it can open an image, edit the
"price" or whatever if the font is available and not change the color
being used in the file.

if i understand color management and what it does, this remote editing
was part of the original promise when the printer was "hooked up" and
the need to see it to believe it is interesting since there would be an
equal need for a different conversion to actually see it "correctly" on
a remote monitor.

i would diagnose such a user as 1)someone who does not have access to
the original printer; 2)does not believe that the file will print
correctly; 3)is using software that makes unrequested changes to the
file; or 4)is stealing and wants the results to appear the same for

5 and 6 would be the ad department is clueless and should be fired
and/or you have given a situation that fails to show an actual need.

if you do not believe that your printer will print the file correctly,
and you do believe that an extra conversion will verify the correct
printing -- i am not very certain that actual changes to software will
help you.  perhaps instead burning some incense or adjusting the lamp on
your workspace will help your believes without mucking up what is
already fragile chains of software and information exchange.

can you send a more realistic example?


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