[Openicc] XICC specification draft

Sven Neumann sven at gimp.org
Sat Jun 25 05:36:41 EST 2005


Ross Burton <ross at burtonini.com> writes:

> Ah sweet, I didn't know about gdk_property_get.  I'll update my eog
> patch in a minute.

The GTK+ developers don't actually encourage the use of
gdk_property_get() and it doesn't handle the case where the property
needs to be retrieved in multiple chunks because it is too large. But
I am sure we will come up with some code that deals with all of this
and push it into GTK+ as gdk_screen_get_icc_profile().

> I am *so* happy that you've patched GIMP already, that has made my day.

There's still a lot to do with respect to color management in GIMP.
But your spec fit exactly to eliminate the weak spot of the current
design.  It will allow to handle multiple screens correctly and it
will make allow users to configure the monitor profile once instead
of having to do that in each and every application.


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