[Openicc] extracting meta data from ICC profiles

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Mon Jun 27 16:42:54 EST 2005

Sven Neumann wrote:
> I need to access some tags such as name and manufacturer from an ICC
> profile. None of the actual profile data would have to be extracted,
> just some information about the profile. Now I wonder how complex this
> would be and if someone has already written code to do this. I know
> that I can easily get this done using lcms but if possible I would
> like to have some standalone (GPL or even LGPL compatible) code to do
> this. Any pointers, anyone?

You could probably do this, but you're just duplicating a lot of existing
functionality, and will have to track the ICC standard yourself.
Why not just use icclib <http://www.argyllcms.com/icclibsrc.html> or lcms ?

Graeme Gill.

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