[OpenICC] Oyranos APIs update

Chris Murphy lists at colorremedies.com
Thu Sep 29 04:48:05 EST 2005

On Sep 28, 2005, at 1:55 AM, Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:

>> editing space = intermediate space = workspace = "well-behaved  
>> (gray balanced,
>> uniform tone response), typically a profile with simply three  
>> points to define
>> the primaries, and either a gamma-based tone response or table  
>> based such as
>> L*RGB, but in any event the channel tone responses are the same)".  
>> This is not
>> a setting. It's contrasted to a space that isn't well behaved such  
>> as a
>> scanner space.
> Ok assuming the term Working Space would conflict with Adobe naming
> conventions I will rename it Editing Space. The check for well  
> behaving
> goes to the feature wish list, as it will not be done that soon.

If you're going to have a pop-up menu option called Editing Space  
(probably RGB Editing Space), then you will have to somehow parse the  
list of profiles and only display the ones that are in fact well  
behaved, otherwise the result is going to be an explosion of  
confusion (as well a heretical terminology to real world incongruency).

Unfortunately the ICC didn't get a clue a while ago and come up with  
a different profile class for these kinds of profiles; perhaps a few  
tweaks to the colorspace class and we could do this very easily just  
by sorting by profile class. But since the display class was usurped  
for this purpose, we now have various problems, including that of  
user interfaces showing non-device "editing spaces" in lists for  
display profiles to select for a particular display! Bad!

Chris Murphy
Color Remedies (TM)
Co-author "Real World Color Management, 2nd Edition"
Published by PeachPit Press (ISBN 0-321-26722-2)

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