[OpenICC] Oyranos APIs update

Chris Murphy lists at colorremedies.com
Thu Sep 29 04:55:27 EST 2005

On Sep 28, 2005, at 11:09 AM, Lars Borg wrote:

> That's not doable for many file formats.
> For example, Cineon and DPX files have no standard meands for  
> embedding ICC profiles (as far as we know) and they are "never" in  
> sRGB.

For TIFF, JPEG, GIF, and perhaps a certain amount of PDF, sRGB would  
be a logical assumption. Presumably there is a rational space to  
assume for untagged Cineon and DPX. If there isn't, then I guess  
users of such formats have no problem with color ambiguity.

Ideally I'd like to see the holder of each file format state in their  
specification what color space to assume as source if one is not  
embedded. If they ignore the issue entirely, then it's every  
developer for himself to make such assumptions, or worse each user as  
we have today.

There is a place for user selectable assumed source profiles, for  
example in normalized workflows, but such assumptions frequently  
occur in much more sophisticated software and human handlers than  
apps targeted at the general market.

Chris Murphy
Color Remedies (TM)
Co-author "Real World Color Management, 2nd Edition"
Published by PeachPit Press (ISBN 0-321-26722-2)

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