[Openicc] Re: xcalib in Oyranos package

Chris Murphy lists at colorremedies.com
Tue Oct 18 05:16:42 EST 2005

On Oct 16, 2005, at 10:55 AM, Hal V. Engel wrote:

> In addition as far as I know on Windows you can't even specify  
> different
> profiles for monitors that are attached to the same video card.   I  
> know for
> a fact that this is true for my Matrox card.  The Windows driver  
> standard for
> video cards simply does not support color managing more than one  
> display per
> video card.  Until that changes video card manufacturers are not  
> likely to
> implement more than one LUT per GPU.  Does anyone know if this has  
> changed in
> Longhorn?

I know you can do this in XP because I've seen it. It would depend on  
the hardware actually having separate DAC LUTs for port, and a driver  
that took advantage of it. What I can't remember is the user  
interface; whether it shows up as though it's a single card but has  
two color management tabs to associate separate profiles for the two  
displays; or if it shows up in UI as though it's two separate video  

Chris Murphy
Color Remedies (TM)
Co-author "Real World Color Management, 2nd Edition"
Published by PeachPit Press (ISBN 0-321-26722-2)

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