[Openicc] X-Rite to aquire GreytagMacbeth

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Thu Feb 2 20:03:41 PST 2006

Gerhard Fuernkranz wrote:
> Hal V. Engel wrote:
>> I also asked if it supports the AvaMouse/SpectroCam and he said:
>> "I don't think so. However, you can always try. :-)
>> It supports 3 interfaces, serial port, usb, and emulation.  The latter 
>> is for
>> testing the program without a device, and due to the protocol's 
>> inability to
>> handle packet corruption, I'd advise to use the usb interface.
>> I don't know what interface the AvaMouse and SpectroCam have, but if 
>> it's usb
>> or serial port, it may very well work. As far as I know, many of the
>> spectrometers have the same protocol."

As there was only one Spectrocam from Spectrostar, I find the above
statement rather strange.

> I looked briefly at the code you referenced below - and it does not 
> remind me at all of the functionality of the Spectrocam SDK, not even 
> the low-level one. I may be wrong, but I would be really surprised, if 
> this driver would work with the Spectrocam. Another issue is that 
> Spectrocam's origin was a company named Spectrostar, which was later 
> acquired by Avantes. Thus, IMO Spectrocam may well differ from other 
> Avantes Spectrometers.

Right, the modular Spectrometers (very similar in form and capability
to the Ocean Optics modules) are designed for general scientific
use, and therefore have relatively open interfaces. At one stage the
Spectrocam SDK was supporting Linux, but it's hard to say where that
is at, now that it's been taken over by Avantes.

Graeme Gill.

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