[Openicc] Announce : Oyranos v0.1.5 + ICC Examin v0.40

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Fri Jun 2 07:57:35 PDT 2006


the new versions of Oyranos and ICC Examin are released.
Both are available for download on: http://www.behrmann.name (left menu)

Oyranos is a colour management system in alpha state, currently offering 
ICC Examin is a visualisation tool for ICC profile tags, measurements and 
Both compile on various unix systems, ICC Examin additional on osX. Some 
binary packages are provided.

Changes in Oyranos: 
 o FLTK UI (configuration panel)
 o allow system specific colour directories at configure time:
 o the above macros are additional to USERCOLORDIR SYSCOLORDIR 
   (/usr/share/color  ~/.color)
 o policies are installed in SETTINSDIRNAME (/usr/share/color/"settings")
 o multi monitor detection and handling (EDID handling / Xinerama support)
   see: http://www.oyranos.com/wiki/index.php?title=ICC_Profiles_in_X_0.2
 o changed Behaviour and GUI API's
 o start BSD support
 o Solaris support
 o change build system
 o elekra-0.6

Changes in ICC Examin:
 o Xinerama monitor configuration / detection
 o better configure and operating system support, like above

 .. and not to forget: bugfixes.

Kai-Uwe Behrmann
                                + development for color management 
                                + imaging / panoramas
                                + email: ku.b at gmx.de
                                + http://www.behrmann.name

PS: Ross, I expect you update the _ICC_PROFILE spec, that I can remove the 
    duplicate above. Feel free to tell, if you allow me to turn 
    your spec in a new version myself. Thanks

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