[Openicc] google SoC starts

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Sat Feb 17 12:22:01 PST 2007

Am 17.02.07, 12:41 +0100 schrieb Kai-Uwe Behrmann:

> Some ideas:
> o let littleCMS handle real floats

My idea is to let a student choose between a pur lcms aproach 
  -> easily implemented and readily useable through the lcms API but 
     possibly slow
and an advanced option to build an own little HDR CMM based on
ILM's CTL with the advantage of obtaining GPU speed. It wold be basically 
a ICC -> CTL converter + colour converter
  -> preferedly to be brought under one hood within the long outstanding 
     Oyranos CMM framework to become useable. I'd work from this side.

It can be mentored by me and Casper?

> o make ICC Examin toolkit independent to easily integrate into other apps

mentored by me and Hal, as you indicated interesst for LProf?

Standard colour chooser for Linux/BSD
Create a colour selection API and implementation into Oyranos, much like 
the _ICC_PROFILE atom for X11, but with a emphasise on a cross toolkit GUI
(Qt, Gtk, (Fltk), MFC, Aqua) <- overkill?
For a skillful coder or as a second project:
If the cross toolkit part is written generic it can be reused for CMS 
standard panels, fitting into the applications skin.

mentored by ?

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
development for color management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org + www.cinepaint.org

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