[Openicc] Re: Monitor color calibration / profie

Kai-Uwe Behrmann ku.b at gmx.de
Sun Feb 18 00:14:05 PST 2007

Am 17.02.07, 21:52 -0800 schrieb Lars Borg:

> In case you can't profile the display, can you get access to the EDID info?
> Lars

Yes, EDID is available and I have available as well Nvidias hidden multi 
monitor EDID infos. A C API for accessing the ICC profile in X and a 
recommendation for harware vendors is included in the Oyranos project.

ICC in X 0.2:
Oyranos latest sources including a implementation of above stuff:

What is needed, are more applications to use Oyranos and bring it to a
mature state. I am currently working on support for and test on as many 
platforms I can reach. I would be glad to see Adobe using Oyranos API's 
and you have any benefit from it. We can discuss issues and work on 
making it flawless and enshuring its robustness.

I have delayed all other projects for a while to continue with Oyranos and 
create more Linux colour management basics.

kind regards
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
development for color management 
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org + www.cinepaint.org

> At 12:43 AM -0500 2/18/07, Hubert Figuiere wrote:
> > Lars Borg wrote:
> > > Well, technically that wouldn't require a separate CMM.
> > > Adobe Reader on Linux already includes color management for document
> > > to
> > > RGB  conversions.
> > > Sadly, it doesn't know from where to get the monitor profile.
> > > Is there still no single standard for how to get it on Linux?
> > 
> > Touché.
> > The Gnome wiki has a few bits of a spec to do that:
> >  http://live.gnome.org/ColourManagement
> > Linking to:
> >  http://burtonini.com/computing/x-icc-profiles-spec-0.1.html
> > I think we should go forward and make a real proposal around this
> > specification/idea and have it approved/implemented by the various
> > Desktop and blessed by Xorg.
> > I see some known names on the above spec.
> > 
> > There are still issues about what can be used to calibrate the screen
> > under Linux. Maybe people here know more, I haven't really dug into the
> > solution. (I'm talking about Linux supported hardware)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Hub

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