[Openicc] Re: [Scribus] ICC-Profiles

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Sun Feb 18 21:37:14 PST 2007

Hal V. Engel wrote:

> The last current option is to use ArgyllCMS and one of it's supported devices.  
> The number of devices is limited and of the affordable ones none are in 
> current production.  For example ArgyllCMS supports the X-Rite DTP-94 which 
> sells for $199 for the meter only but which is now discontinued.  You might 
> be able to still get one of these meters but I expect that none will be 
> available in a few months.

Right, but the next version of Argyll will support the Eye-One Display 1 and 2.

Graeme Gill.

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