[Openicc] monitor profiling

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Thu Feb 22 16:23:46 PST 2007

Jordi Canton wrote:

> I was just surfing looking for information about this specific device 
> when I Found the following GPL licensed software called HCFR Colormeter that
> already supports Spyder2.

I think you'll find that it supports the Spyder2 by using Datacolor's
MSWindows SDK for their instrument, therefore even though the
HCFR Colormeter software is GPL, the support for the Spyder2 is not.

Also, the HCFR Colormeter software (at this stage) is very much oriented
towards evaluating and adjusting projectors and TV's - it doesn't have the
sort of ICC calibration and profile generation that is generally expected
of display calibrators.

Graeme Gill.

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