[Openicc] Fwd: You are invited to take part in The Google Summer of Code(tm) 2007

Hal V. Engel hvengel at astound.net
Thu Mar 15 14:17:30 PDT 2007

On Thursday 15 March 2007 05:28, Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
> Wonderful. The project is accepted. This will be a good sign, for our
> goals. Lets hope we can transform it into a additional and strong
> impulse for open source colour management.
> Now starts the inviting and finding of people for the main part, the
> students work.
> I will bring it in my news and some email lists like CinePaint and ECI.
> Boudewijn, as you have a very public blog,
> would you announce as well? Mentioning at many places will of course
> help in getting in contact.
> kind regards
> Kai-Uwe Behrmann

I have created a News item on the LProf site that announces this.  I have also 
updated the main OpenICC page to reflect the new status.  But please feel 
free to make changes.


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