[Openicc] [cairo] Creating CMYK and spot colors using Postscript backend

Markus Meyer meyer at mesw.de
Tue May 15 02:17:29 PDT 2007

Hi Craig,

thanks for this long and informative message. I agree that there are
many issues to consider when other color spaces than RGB are introduced.
However, I see a chance that stuff is being complicated too much and
that this will ultimately lead to no implementation taking place at all.

I do think that introducing other color spaces (CMYK, spot colors, CMYK
with spot colors, HSB, whatever) can make sense without color
management. It is my understanding that Cairo uses a generic structure
to paint on a surface which is called a "pattern". This "pattern" can be
a solid color (currently RGB only), a bitmap or whatever. It should be
no problem to extend this in a first step to allow solid CMYK colors or
spot colors as a "pattern". (Actually, this is all I need in my
application, so I'd be happy with just that.) This has nothing to do
with color management per se. Although it might not make sense to mix
color spaces within one surface, it is perfectly reasonable to expect
from the application not to do so.

Later, when support for other color spaces has stabilized, one can
always go on and allow attaching color profiles to surfaces, implement
automatic conversion between different color spaces (using some kind of
unified internal color space) and so on. However, I should always be
able to say "I want that color" and have that color come out exactly as
specified in the resulting PDF/PS/SVG or whatever file without any
conversions and rounding errors.


Craig Ringer schrieb:
> 	- Gradients & blends? How do you work with a CMYK -> RGB
> 	  gradient or a layer blend?
> 	- Colour management. A CMYK colour doesn't really mean anything
> 	  (nor does an RGB colour) without reference to some display
> 	  device. We get away with forgetting that when working only
> 	  within one colour space and format, but can not do so when
> 	  mixing CMYK and RGB colours. There *IS* no sane RGB<->CMYK
> 	  conversion without some knowledge of the source and target
> 	  devices; the best you can do is assume sRGB and SWOP Coated or
> 	  something like that. That won't get you great results.
> 	  This means that if you want CMYK support, you're probably
> 	  looking at either having surfaces that ONLY accept CMYK
> 	  colours, or introducing colour management support. The latter
> 	  seems much saner to me.
> 	- Operation implementations. Currently Cairo just has to support
> 	  RGB for its low level operations. How much would it increase
> 	  complexity to have to be able to work on m^n different
> 	  combinations, where m is the number of colour operands, and n
> 	  is the number of recognised colour formats? Even if you
> 	  say that a surface must be created with a particular colour
> 	  format and only those colours used with it (ie "create a CMYK
> 	  image surface"), you still have m*n different operators to
> 	  write and maintain.
> ===================
> You could simplify this by converting to a single internal working
> colour space, like L*A*B (white-point corrected XYZ). That's expensive
> for rgb->rgb though, and that's currently the only use Cairo sees.
> Carl Worth mentioned that the Cairo devs are already considering using a
> wide-gamut RGB  space as the sole internal colour representation. My
> understanding is that doing so isn't really any different from
> converting to L*A*B, except that you save in the wide-RBB -> wide-RGB
> case that's the most common use.
> Is that correct as far as you folks on OpenICC can see? Could Cairo get
> away with working in an expanded floating-point RGB space and still
> produce good results on CMYK output targets with CMYK inputs - presuming
> decent colour profiles are available?
> In either the L*A*B or expanded gamut RGB case, colour managed
> conversions must be done for all colour I/O. That requires the use of a
> colour management library like lcms or ArgyllCMS (or where available
> ColourSync, the Kodak CMS or the Adobe CMS, for that matter*). However,
> if you're working in a simple RGB space for input and output you could
> short-circuit those conversions by telling Cairo your inputs are already
> in its working space, and you want output in the same space.
> So, at this point it's looking fairly sane to either convert everything
> into a common working space, or require that surfaces work only in a
> particular colour format and space (with the latter still adding
> considerably to the complexity of the task, as it requires custom CMYK
> blend operations etc). The latter approach would also be less useful, as
> it'd force applications to have somewhat different code to generate an
> on-screen preview for the user than they used for writing out the final
> document.
> Another alternative, though, is to preserve colours as far as possible
> through Cairo, and only convert them when an operation or surface cannot
> handle that colour format. This would be ideal in many ways, as it'd
> simplify the handling of spot colours (see below), permit CMYK values to
> be preserved exactly as-is where no conversion is required (again, see
> below), and make it possible to create mixed colour space documents in
> media like PDF/X-3 that support it.
> In any case, it needs to be possible to set a target colour format and
> target colour profile for a surface. It also needs to be possible to
> query Cairo to find out what formats and profiles each surface supports.
> ============
> Now one more wrinkle pops up: spot colours. (OpenICC folks: yell at me
> if any of this isn't 100% accurate in nitpicking detail please). Spot
> colours are NOT just named CMYK values. A spot colour is a specific
> colour *in* *the* *real* *world*. Your named colour is a placeholder for
> that, and the output device is responsible for reproducing the desired
> colour. This "colour" need not even be a conventional colour - it could
> be gold ink, or a varnish layer. An intensity value makes sense for a
> spot colour in most outputs (corresponding to things like halftoning),
> but blending it with other colours generally does not.
> A gradient of a spot colour to, say CMYK(0,50,0,20) doesn't make sense.
> You might say "that spot colour is printed using the CMYK value
> (0,10,0,10) on this device" ... but Cairo won't and *CAN'T* know that.
> In fact, spot colours may be printed as separate press plates using
> specific inks otherwise outside the gamut of the device (think bright
> green on an offset web press) or might even not be conventional colours
> at all.
> However, I'd agree with Behded Esfahbod, who said that:
>> To me alpha with spot colors makes a lot of sense.  That's your only way
>> to create new colors after all  (which will result in halftones in
>> print).
> ... also implying that a gradient from the spot colour that varies only
> along alpha would make sense.
> Spot colours are usually named according to a well understood convention
> of calibrated colours & special inks (like PANTONE). However, sometimes
> they're agreed upon in a case-by-case basis between printing client and
> printer, mostly for offset web printing. In the latter case, my spot
> colour might be called "PLATE5" or "Fred" - so long as the printer knows
> that, and can configure their RIP to generate a plate for that spot, and
>  load the right inks into the printing unit using that plate.
> Spot colours do have a placeholder colour, typically specified in CMYK
> but AFAIK that's not any sort of requirement. However, this placeholder
>  may not resemble the real spot colour at all, and should not be used
> for blending operations etc. The user might have set the placeholder
> colour to bright pink to indicate copper ink, since it's a colour that
> stands out and isn't used elsewhere on the document. They won't be
> pleased if their "copper" colour comes out bright pink off the press.
> Spot colours are mostly used in the PostScript and PDF formats, though
> TIFF files can be used to store n-channel data including spot colour
> channels.
> It's important not to think of spot colours as confined to plate-based
> offset printing. They're also useful and meaningful in digital press
> situations or with any other target that has been calibrated for a
> common spot colour library like PANTONE, and can guarantee that
> PANTONE#553 will really come out just like it looks in the swatch book
> in your hand.
> Carl Worth suggested that Cairo might be able to implement spot colours
> using patterns. I don't know enough about Cairo internals to really
> understand this, but hope that's useful in combination with the
> background info above.
> =============
> Markus Meyer wrote:
>> Regarding conversion to RGB: problem is, conversion from CMYK to RGB is
>> not unambiguous. In a real world environment, it depends e.g. on the
>> color profile used for the given screen, the output device (say, the
>> type of paper and ink) and the actual conversion method used. It could
>> be argued that someone who uses CMYK probably knows what he's doing and
>> will probably not use any simple conversion method anyway. OTOH, I
>> wouldn't mind if Cairo would implement a simple default conversion
>> method and direct the user to direct set_rgb/set_cmyk calls for the
>> cases when he wants to have more control.
> Honestly, I would think it best if Cairo did *NOT* provide any default
> conversions. It should make it easy for a developer to pass a CMYK
> colour with a generic ICC profile like SWOP Coated, but should NEVER do
> a dumb conversion or assume a profile.
> The API should not make it look like a CMYK->RGB conversion without
> colour profile information produces useful or meaningful results, when
> it really doesn't.
> I think the Create project is now distributing a set of standard ICC
> profiles that may be useful.
> As for how such profiles would be identified to Cairo - maybe it'd make
> sense to have a series of pre-initialized instances of something like
> colour_profile_t (which wraps a CMS library's colour profile type or
> references an instance of it) for a few core profiles, and require users
> to initialize new ones with an instance of a CMS library's profile type?
> Note that you'd also need to be able to pass a profile when setting an
> RGB colour. If Cairo used a wide-gamut RGB internal working space, it
> could get away with exposing an API that assumed colours were already in
> that space (and would have to for backward compat), but users would
> still need to be able to identify colours as being in other RGB spaces.
> Ditto for images.
> Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
>> As for implementation, we will expose an opaque cairo_color_t which
>> simply maps to the internal cairo_color_t that we have already.  It
>> needs an enum member to identify the type of the color (rgb/cmyk/etc),
>> have a global alpha parameter, the 'short' rgb for display use, and a
>> union of per rgb/cmyk/spot/... data.  The cairo_color_type_t enum needs
>> to be public too.
> If you plan to store and work with colours in different formats/spaces,
> such colours also need to have provision for a colour profile tag as
> part of the colour structure. It'd also be necessary to ensure that the
> rgb for display use was only EVER used for display, not used as a
> convenient pre-converted RGB value for blend operations etc.
> Bitmap image data also needs a colour profile tag if it's not all
> converted to a single working space.
> ==========
> The same users who tend to want spot colours and CMYK colours also often
> want pure greys. A CMYK "grey" is not necessarily all in the K channel -
> there might be some CMY to produce a "warm" grey. Sometimes this is
> undesirable, particularly when targeting output devices that ONLY
> support black plus spot colour (common in offset printing - I'm sure
> you've seen newspapers with pages that're black & white except for red
> highlights, or something like that).
> It'd be nice to be able to identify a colour as a pure grey, perhaps
> using a similar method to how spot colours are handled.
> ========================
> Desktop publishing users tend to want to hand-specify a particular CMYK
> colour value, and have that turn up exactly as-is in the output. They
> also tend to provide pre-converted CMYK images and expect them to appear
> pixel-for-pixel with the same colour values. This makes some sense when
> you consider that a single colour may have many apparently equivalent
> CMYK values with different (CMY) and (K) mixes.
> I personally don't think Cairo should have to care about this, as I view
> it as a bit of a relic from before ICC colour management was around. A
> decent profile and software that uses it properly should produce a good
> result when converting such CMYK data from its source colour space to
> the working space and back again for output. However, I'm not an expert,
> and my view is not the only one around.
> While personally I'd expect it to be sufficient to pass such CMYK data
> into Cairo along with an ICC colour tag that identifies its colour
> space, I work in the relatively undemanding newspaper industry, where
> colour isn't *that* critical. I'd love some feedback from OpenICC on how
> much of an issue this is likely to be.
> I'm sure it'd be BETTER to preserve CMYK values, so if Cairo did support
> a cairo_color_t that could handle tagged CMYK, and tried to preserve
> colours unconverted as far through as it could, that would be ideal.
> PDF Details
> ===========
> My personal interest is in CMYK and spot colour in PDF, rather than
> PostScript. PDF uses /DeviceRGB (conventional RGB colour), /DeviceCMYK
> (simple CMYK colour), /DeviceGray (pure K) and /DeviceN (spot colour).
> It also has built-in support for tagging image data and I think solid
> colours too with ICC profile information, so conversions can be deferred
> to the RIP.
> PDF supports mixed colour spaces. This means that except where Cairo
> supports blend operations that PDF does not (so Cairo must render them
> internally to a bitmap) it could output tagged mixed colour space data
> directly.  That said, users need control over this, as they often want:
> 	- All-(CMYK|RGB) PDF with all data tagged with the target ICC
> 	  profile, and all inputs not already in that space converted
> 	  to it;
> 	- All-(CMYK|RBB) PDF with all data converted to the target
> 	  colour space and left untagged;
> 	- Mixed colour space PDF with all data tagged with appropriate
> 	  colour profiles.
> The latter would be possible only if Cairo carried data through
> unconverted as far as possible. The first two would work with any
> reasonable approach.
> ==========
> Well, I wish I could say that's the longest message I've written, but I
> can't. Congratulations to anyone who suffered through this far, and I
> hope what I've written was useful and helped clarify rather than muddle
> some aspects of this situation.
> --
> Craig Ringer
> * If cairo adds internal CMS support, as will be necessary unless it
> requires all colours to be pre-converted to wide-gamut RGB and desirable
> even then, it might be worth looking for CMS abstraction layers rather
> than immediately latching on to lcms . Mac users in particular want
> their apps to be able to talk to the system CMS, ColourSync. The OpenICC
> list will be useful for this area.
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