[Openicc] OpenICC Google Summer of Code - LProf reference file enhancements

Hal V. Engel hvengel at astound.net
Sun Jul 1 17:47:12 PDT 2007

Shanes note reminded me that there have not been any public updates about the 
status of the LProf OpenICC GSoC project.

The project has been divided into a number of phases or sub projects.  At the 
highest level there are three main objectives for the project:

1. Add support for the HutchColor Target (HCT) (tm) (tracker #129541).  The 
initial version of this is now in CVS and is undergoing testing but appears 
to be working.  Initial testing has been completed on both Windows and Linux 
systems (OS/X testers are always welcome - current CVS should build without 
issues on an OS/X system).  In doing this work Joseph also fixed two known 
bugs (tracker #1734219 & #1533542). 

2. Add support for GretagMacbeth ColorChecker SG (tm) and ColorChecker DC (tm) 
targets.  This is tracker #1545504.  Work on this is just getting underway.  
The ColorChecker 24 patch target is already supported but this support has 
not been documented.

3. Extend the reference file installer to make it a reference file manager.  
This will allow users to not only install new reference files but to 
uninstall and make other changes to those that are already installed.  
Tracker #1533547.

There are other smaller related tasks that are currently documented in the 
LProf sourceforge tracker related to the GSoC project.  Those who are 
interested can look in the Feature Request tracker for items in the GSoC 2007 

From my prespective as the project mentor this is about where I expected ithe 
project to be at this time.   After what appeared to be a little bit of a 
rocky start as Joseph worked his way up the learning curve he has picked up 
the pace and is now moving right along.  If he keeps his current pace I 
expect that the project will be a success and that the next LProf release 
will include at least some, if not all, of the GSoC features.  In short I am 
pleased with the current status of the project.


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