[Openicc] double linking of symbols

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Sat Sep 29 01:28:33 PDT 2007


> Oyranos shall include symbols statically from lcms to create ICC profiles.
> Lcms may later be loaded as a CMM, which would mean a application sees
> two versions of the same library. Such way a conflict seems unavoidable.
Why make it staticaly linked ?

> Does you have a light weight idea how to resolve such a conflict in C?

At link time, you can select to hide symbols, with ld, using the "-Bhide 
listofsymbols -Bexport" options. The easiest way would be to provide 
listofsymbols as a file that could be automatically generated from liblcms.

Cyrille Berger

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