[Openicc] ICC Profiles In X Specification

Jon A. Cruz jon at joncruz.org
Fri Oct 5 13:37:15 PDT 2007

On Oct 5, 2007, at 1:09 PM, Sven Neumann wrote:

> OK, so let's assume we have two monitors, the primary one is  
> calibrated,
> the secondary isn't. So we have _ICC_PROFILE and _ICC_PROFILE_1  
> set. If
> I want to determine the settings for the primary monitor, all is  
> fine. I
> can query for _ICC_PROFILE_1 and be done with it. Now if the window is
> on the second monitor, I would query for _ICC_PROFILE_2 which is not
> set. Now since ICC_PROFILE is set, I can't tell whether the system
> supports revision 0.2 of the spec and wants no correction for this
> monitor or if it only implements revision 0.1 and _ICC_PROFILE  
> should be
> applied to both monitors.
> How am I supposed to handle this? I could assume that one profile for
> both monitors is not a good idea and don't do color correction for the
> second monitor. But then consider the case where monitor one is
> uncalibrated. Since I also want to support systems that only implement
> revision 0.1 of the spec, I need to query for _ICC_PROFILE in case  
> that
> _ICC_PROFILE_1 is unset. Since revision 0.2 requires that this is  
> set, I
> can't tell if the primary monitor should be color corrected or not.

Currently the way that I read it is that if no monitors at all are  
calibrated, then no _ICC_PROFILE will be set. If _ICC_PROFILE is set,  
then it is a sign that at least one monitor is calibrated.

If you then check for an _ICC_PROFILE_x token for each monitor. If  
none are found it would indicate that version 0.1 of the spec is  
being followed.

If _ICC_PROFILE_1 is present, but _ICC_PROFILE_2 is not, then the  
system is following version 0.2 of the spec and the primary monitor  
is calibrated but the secondary is not.

If _ICC_PROFILE_2 is present, but _ICC_PROFILE_1 is not, then the  
system is following version 0.2 of the spec and the primary monitor  
is not calibrated, but the secondary monitor is calibrated.

If neither _ICC_PROFILE_2 nor _ICC_PROFILE_1 is set, but _ICC_PROFILE  
is set, then the system is following version 0.1 of the spec.
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