[Openicc] List Scope

Hal V. Engel hvengel at astound.net
Tue Jan 29 09:14:33 PST 2008

On Tuesday 29 January 2008 07:58:18 Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Jan 2008, Hal V. Engel wrote:
> > I agree 100%.  But for this to happen groups like X.Org, KDE and GNOME
> > need to be involved and at present their involvement is limited or
> > non-existant.
> How can we attract some of these key folks to OpenICC?  It seems to me
> that any GUI toolkit which is advanced enough to provide a standard
> "color picker" widget should be advanced enough to also
> usefully encapsulate color management in the interface.
> When this list was originally created, there were some famous folks on
> the list (e.g. Jim Gettys) who seem to have since left the list.  As
> you say, we need involvement from Gtk+ and TrollTech/Qt as well as
> other popular frameworks.  
> I just looked at the source code for the 
> latest Qt and see lots of sophisticated features there but nothing for
> color management.
> Bob

I had not even considered it at this level but I agree.  As an example LProf 
has it's own custom widgets for selecting ICC profiles and CGATS files.  The 
CGATS widgets are probably too specialized to be part of a general widget set 
but it would make sense to have a widget like LProf's ICCProfileSelector be 
part of a tool kit like Qt or Gtk.

For those who have not looked at this widget it presents a list of profiles to 
the user based on the content of the profiles (IE. the description embedded 
in the profile).  This is how commercial programs like photoshop and the 
Microsoft Color Control Panel applet list profiles for users to select.  Many 
of our current open source color management aware applications are still 
presenting users with lists of files rather than lists of profiles in part I 
suspect because implementing a widget like LProf uses is not trivial.  If the 
various tool kits had this type of widget it would help everyone improve this 
aspect of our application suit. 

I am sure that we could come up with other examples of usefull CM specific 
widgets or CM extensions to existing widgets as well.


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