[Openicc] List Scope

Hal V. Engel hvengel at astound.net
Tue Jan 29 11:35:36 PST 2008

On Tuesday 29 January 2008 10:58:58 Cyrille Berger wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 January 2008, Hal V. Engel wrote:
> > I had not even considered it at this level but I agree.  As an example
> > LProf has it's own custom widgets for selecting ICC profiles and CGATS
> > files.  The CGATS widgets are probably too specialized to be part of a
> > general widget set but it would make sense to have a widget like LProf's
> > ICCProfileSelector be part of a tool kit like Qt or Gtk.
> I am really not convinced that this is something that should be in Qt. Qt
> is what I would call an "atomic" widgets library and provides widgets that
> are usefull for most applications. In reallity, there are very few
> applications that have a *need* for CMM widgets, Qt developement is driven
> a lot by the need of TT's customer, and also a little bit by the need of
> KDE. But what could be nice if we could come up with a library of CMM
> widgets common to LProf, Scribus and KDE/KOffice/Digikam (and any other Qt
> based application). Well that would mean LProf to switch to Qt4 ;)

After I sent my note I realized that this probably belonged in a specialized 
widget library rather than being part of the core Qt library.  So I agree 
with you.   Bob's follow up note where he suggests that things like color 
selection widgets should be color managed is probably something that the Qt 
core should handle at least as an option.

LProf is being ported to Qt4 right now and it is only days away from having 
the Qt4 branch merged into the main line.  But we still need to remove the 
Qt3 compatibility widgets at this point and this is something that we will be 
doing gradually as we go forward after the Qt4 branch is merged.  All of the 
UI code is using designer 4 at this point and as soon as the port specific 
regressions are fixed it will be merged.

I am all in favor of having a common Qt CM widgets library and I don't think 
this needs to be part of the core Qt widget set.    We really should have a 
common widget set if for no other reason than that it would make the UI of 
the various Qt projects more consistant.  In fact it might make sense to 
create a subproject for this that is hosted by the LProf project.  That would 
put the library in a logical place where is was easy to find and highly 
visible.  But there might be other alternatives as well.

I addition there might be other CM specific widgets that could be included in 
a library like this such as a widget for viewing a 3D gamut hull and/or for 
comparing the gamut hulls of two profiles.

The same sort of thing needs to happen in the Gtk realm as well.


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