[Openicc] List Scope

Hal V. Engel hvengel at astound.net
Tue Jan 29 13:56:04 PST 2008

On Tuesday 29 January 2008 13:29:37 Cyrille Berger wrote:
> Yes but for that part, I expect that part of iccexamin can be used, as a
> library that can be shared by iccexaming, Qt widgets and GTK widgets.
> > The same sort of thing needs to happen in the Gtk realm as well.
> Well we can share the list of widgets ;)

And UI design ideas as well.  If anything this is one area where the Qt 
applications are ahead of those using Gtk.  We actually have at least 4 Qt 
apps with fairly advanced ICC Profile widgets and with one exception Gtk apps 
don't have anything comparable.   That exception being CinePaint thanks to 
the efforts of Kai-Uwe.

I agree that iccexamin is the likely candidate for the base functionality in a 
gamut hull widget and there is likely other functionality in iccexamin that 
could also be widgetized.  But I was thinking that Kai-Uwe wanted to expose 
the internal functionality so that others could do things like create Qt or 
Gtk widgets that were rapped around that functionality.  This would allow the 
iccexamin developers to focus on the internals while at the same time making 
sure that the UI work related to this was handled by people that specialize 
in each particular widget set (IE. Qt, Gtk, Fltk...).   Longer term I would 
like to replace or augment the ProfileChecker in LProf with iccexamine 
functionality.  So this is on my list of things to do.  If this were included 
in a common Qt CM widget set then this would perhaps happen sooner.


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