[Openicc] Promoting colormanagement for LINUX

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Wed Feb 13 15:03:11 PST 2008

Hal V. Engel wrote:

> For example, a doable sub project would be to 
> implement video card LUT management in X11.  This would be fairly easy to 
> write a set of specifications for and could be implemented without too much 
> difficultly over the next few months and could conceivably appear in a stable 
> release of X11 later this year. 

I'm not quite sure what you have in mind here, but it doesn't sound like
it fits in X11. My impression is that RandR1.2 makes the video card
Luts accessible. Traditionally it is not X11's business to do more
than that, since one of it's goals is "mechanism not policy". If
you want to introduce policy, it needs to be at a higher level,
ie. Window manager, desktop environment, CMM, widget toolkit etc.

At the X11 level I'd much rather see uniform access to the DCC
channel, so that monitor controls can be accessed the same way
RandR1.2 allows access to the Video LUTs. That is mechanism,
and it's sorely lacking. And once that's there, there would
be room for another layer on top that encapsulates the
monitor model peculiarities, apply policy of what applications
can access them, how they share etc. etc.

Graeme Gill.

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