[Openicc] Dynamic options for Oyranos

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Thu Feb 14 13:49:39 PST 2008

On Thursday 14 February 2008, Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
> I see, at least in SuSE's YaST, the PPD's are not modified during
> configuration and taken as is. Together with Cyrille words, I take this as
> a policy, not to expose dynamic content in the KDE configuration panel,
> for whatever reasons.

To make things clear about the reasons. There is no policy against dynamic 
content, but there is a policy about respecting UI guidelines (to the best of 
my knowledge, Gnome has the same policy, hopefully guidelines aren't that 
different from one Desktop Environnement to an other). And it's extremely 
difficult to make a dynamic UI to respect those guidelines, and to respect 
usability rules.

There is an other point I want to raise. When it comes to UI design and 
creation, it's a nice to make sure that the UI can be easily edited and fixed 
by someone who has no coding knowledge. UI designer (also called usability 
expert) are often non-programmers, while programmes are usually bad at UI 
design. For instance, inside the KDE project, we, most of the time, use 
QtDesigner to create dialogs and UI, as QtDesigner doesn't require any coding 
knowledge, non-coders have been able (and have done so) to fix issues with 
the UI design.

That's something to keep in mind, as well. After all, we want a color managed 
desktop, but we also want an usable desktop ;)

Cyrille Berger

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