[Openicc] Xorg low level buffers - colour conversion

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Wed Mar 12 07:57:43 PDT 2008

Tomas Carnecky wrote:

> Btw, these transformation engines in the CM systems, do they use mmx/sse 
> or are the routines otherwise optimized in assembler? Or is it all 
> written in C?

It depends on the implementation. mmx/sse can certainly be
used, and it can all be written in C. My own routines
(IMDI) use some level of vector arithmetic without
using mmx/sse. If you compile them on a 64 bit
architecture they go twice as fast :-)
Color transforms are another "embarrassingly parallel"
task that multi-threading can be thrown at as well.

I would expect a GPU based routine to be significantly
faster that any CPU based code though for this particular
task, but not all color managed environments have access
to a graphics card! (ie. think laser printers).

Graeme Gill.

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