[Openicc] Proposed "ucmm" display profile configuration convention used by ArgyllCMS.

Hal V. Engel hvengel at astound.net
Thu May 29 20:26:58 PDT 2008

On Thursday 29 May 2008 01:16:32 Graeme Gill wrote:
> Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:
> Looking at the situation it seems that it's not really possible to
> retrieve the EDID for anything other than the primary display
> with the legacy X11 arrangement, 

On my xinerama system Oyranos is able to get the correct EDID data for both 
monitors without any issues.   I have confirmed this by looking directly at 
the resulting Elektra configuration data.   So at least on some systems it is 
possible although this might be driver specific (I am running the nvidia 
driver right now).

> whereas XRandR 1.2 handles this 
> quite well, so I was thinking that an auto-calibration loader was
> only worth implementing for XRandR 1.2.

I basically agree with this since it will not be too long before most drivers 
(at least open source drivers) will support XRandR 1.2 and non XRandR 1.2 
system will be considered obsolete at some point not too far down the road.


> > (Regarding Oyranos. It needs a update to xrandr at some point. I am still
> > about setting xrandr up to see my two monitors. Client notification can
> > then happen probably over an other session of perhaps the same or
> > modified daemon.)
> Unfortunately I've found it's not easy to test XRandR 1.2 at the moment.
> The Intel driver seems to be the only one supporting it, and even though I
> specifically bought a Motherboard with an Intel graphics chipset to be able
> to test it, the motherboard is rather crippled: There is only one Video
> output, and as soon as you plug another video card in, the BIOS turns the
> Intel graphics off. The manufacturer seems to think this is a "feature",
> aren't interested in fixing it so that you could use the on board graphics
> with a plug in card). 

I think these Intel chip sets expect you to plug in an interface card (not a 
video card) that is designed to supply the additional video ports.  None (or 
almost none) of the motherboards with these video chip sets actaully have 
second video port built in.  But I am not totally positive about this since 
it is based on following XRandR and intel driver progress on the xorg list.  
In any case I think if you ask on the xorg list one of the Intel developers 
will be able to get you the info you need to set up more than one port.  Or 
perhaps you could contact one of them off list?

> I was really hoping to be able to test different X11 
> card drivers without having to physically reconfigure the machine all the
> time, but this doesn't seem possible. Hopefully newer ATI drivers might
> support XRandR 1.2 in the future.

The Nouveau driver (open source driver for nvidia cards) is now XRandR 1.2 by 
default and it appears that support for the NV4x series of GPUs (IE. 6xxx and 
7xxx cards) is getting farily good now.  The developers claim that in 2D it 
outperforms the vendors blob and much of the 3D stuff is working for the NV4x 
GPUs.  But it is at best alpha level code and is also dependant on 
developement versions of the kernel, xorg and Gallium.  So getting this setup 
working would be a significant task and it would be difficult to keep it up 
to date.

I beleave the the RandonHD driver (the new open source driver) is also XRandR 
1.2 at this time.  This should be easier to get working than the Nouveau 
driver because it is closer to being beta level code at this point.   Again 
the xorg list should have developers working on this that can clarify which 
version(s) of this driver support XRandR 1.2.


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