[Openicc] XRandR and nv/nvidia was: [Re: [argyllcms] Re: ArgyllCMS Version 1.0.0 released]

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Tue Jul 8 06:00:48 PDT 2008

Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:

> nv/nvidia drivers dont supports XRandR and especially 1.2. 
> I pinged already Aaron Plattner on the xorg list about nv and elsewhere 
> about the nvidia driver.

Why are they claiming to then ? The Argyll XRandR 1.2 code only gets executed
when XRRQueryVersion(mydisplay, &majv, &minv) returns 1.2 or greater,
otherwise it falls back to the Xinerama code. With the patched code,
setting the ARGYLL_IGNORE_XRANDR1_2 environment variable has the same
effect as the XRandR extension not being present, or returning a
version < 1.2.

Graeme Gill.

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