[Openicc] GSoC mentors payments usage

Jon A. Cruz jon at joncruz.org
Mon Sep 8 00:45:48 PDT 2008

On Sep 4, 2008, at 9:52 AM, Hal V. Engel wrote:

> Another possibility would be to have the funds sent to  
> freedesktop.org since
> OpenICC is an off shoot of that orginization.  I suspect that if we  
> talked to
> someone with some pull in freedesktop.org that they would be  
> willing to hold
> the funds for us so that we could later use them.

freedesktop.org might be good for the short term. It's at least worth  
looking into.

For the long run something like the Software Freedom Conservancy  
might be worth looking into. It's a 501(c)(3) organization and  
handles all that messy tax stuff. Inkscape joined up a while back  
mainly due to the need to manage GSoC money.


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