[Openicc] [argyllcms] Re: Re: OT: PDF frustration

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Mon Oct 6 15:48:26 PDT 2008

Hal V. Engel wrote:
> Wouldn't these applications specify the color spaces used by the various 
> objects in the PDF document in the normal way as per the PDF specification 
> rather than using the output intent object?  I think it would be better to use 
> the Output intent object for it's intended purpose (IE. specifying the output 
> color space and rendering intent).

If the PDF is created remotely, it might be good to have a printer
local way of overriding any output profile embedded in the PDF. This
allow for re-targeting the PDF, or load sharing etc. This would
be a feature of the rasterizer (RIP).

> for monitors.  In fact all of the existing X11 and Windows video drivers are 
> CM dumb and I suspect that the same thing is true for OS/X.

OS X has CM built in, and allows color to be specified in any source
color space. It then translates it to the correct display dependent
color. MSWindows is capable of the same thing to I think (certainly
in Vista it is).

Graeme Gill.

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