[Openicc] Announce : Oyranos Version 0.1.9
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
ku.b at gmx.de
Wed Dec 10 13:47:39 PST 2008
The beta state of Oyranos (version 0.1.9) is available.
v0.1.9 contains variuos bug fixes and portability improvements.
Changes overview:
* adaptions to the proposed XML/Elektra namespace
* new libxml2 dependency
* include missed profiles for oyProfile_ForStd()
* add and integrate testing
* runtime endianes check
* work on CMM framework
Oyranos is a colour management system allowing currently to share various
settings across applications and services. The provided interfaces are the
C library, a GUI and partitial access through command line tools. Oyranos
is based on the Elektra configuration system for bsd/linux. Native
backends to other colour management systems are planed.
The source package, can be reached from:
Known applications using Oyranos:
ICC Examin and the experimental KDE KM configuration dialog
Thanks to all bug reporters.
Kai-Uwe Behrmann (144):
* [doc]: minor changes \
* [doc]: minor changes \
* [alpha]: remove unused plugin API's \
* [alpha]: move image data out of oyFilterNode_s; add profile to oyConversion_CreateBasic
* [alpha]: add oyStruct_s * oy_struct to oyValue_u
* [alpha]: revert adding of ia profiles argument from oyConversion_CreateBasic
* [alpha]: oyModuleGetActual() selects from the oyFILTER_TYPE_e type arg
* [alpha]: generalise oyColourConversion_GetID_ -> oyColourContextGetID_()
* [alpha]: header change to 70e80a4 oyModuleGetActual()'s new arg type
* [alpha]: remove old oyModuleGetActual declaration
* [alpha]: split the ICC support code out to a new oyranos_icc.c
* [docu]: smaller doxygen output (git builds are broken since yesterday)
* [alpha]: complete 6e660e38 new oyranos_icc.c
* [alpha]: add a parant_type_ member to oyStructList_s
* [alpha]: add oyObject_Hashed_ internally
* [alpha]: add oyStructList_s::parent_type_ (see d9d58953fe)
* [alpha]: add oyValueTypeText() to output XFORM text
* [alpha]: move oyFilter_s::image_ -> oyFilterSocket_s::data
* [docu]: try to make the scheme graphis more clear
* [alpha]: add oyFilter_Node_s::backend_data to hold the CMM context
* [alpha]: add oyOption_GetText to serialise to XFORMS text
* [alpha]: add oyContextGetID_() to work on oyFilterNode_s
* [alpha]: add oyFilterNode_ContextSet_() and oyFilterNode_GetNextFromLinear_()
* [alpha]: corrects the c5a8c01dd patch applying
* [lcms]: get the image data correctly after the previous changes
* [conf]: switch to v0.1.9
* [alpha]: change CMM APIs to see oyFilterNode_s for context creation
* [conf]: let configure fail for missed libraries, provide --disable-libxxx
* [alpha]: fix a wrong access in the graph
* [test]: update to changed alpha API
* [alpha]: more fixes to run test.c's simple graph
* [alpha]: remove the oyFilter_s::profiles_ member
* [build]: beautify compiling by removing C++ comments from C sources
* [alpha]: move oyFilter_TextToInfo -> oyFilterNode_TextToInfo; add oyStructList_GetID
* [alpha]: adding oyFilterNode_DataGet_()
*[alpha]: new oyOptions_Find()
* [API]: fix defaults for internal profile settings
* [alpha]: remove one arg of oyOption_New()
* [API]: one more step for XML/Elektra namespace synchronisation
* [alpha]: remove oyOptions_s ranges; add source hint
* [alpha]: implement oyOption_FromStatic_()
* [alpha]: minor change
* [alpha]: add default settings as XFORMS to "oyra" oyranos_cmm_oyra_settings.c
* [docu]: update to new download www page
* [alpha]: oyOptions_FromDefaults() -> oyOptions_ForFilter() + oyOptions_FromText() + oyFilterRegistrationToType()
* [lcms]: add CMM specific options
* [docu]: formatting and minor tweaks
* [conf]: check for libxml2
* [build]: link against libxml2
* [and]: add internal oyXMLgetElement_() to parse xpath expressions
* [alpha]: complete oyOptions_FromText() oyOptions_FromBoolean() oyOptions_Add()
* [docu]: update to "XML Plug-in options" ideas on ColourWiki
* [alpha]: mv oyranos_cmm_oyra_settings.c to oyranos_cmm_oyra_icc.c
* [alpha]: add backend meta API oyCMMapi5_s
* [and]: remove unneeded XML levels from lcms options
* [and]: rearrange API pointers
* [and]: rearrange API pointers
* [API]: move root key name from "colour" to "shared"
* [docu]: formatting
* [alpha]: add oyCMMMetaGetApi_ to access oyCMMapi5_s
* [and]: polish oyOptions_FromBoolean() and oyOption_GetText()
* [fix]: oyGetDefaultProfileName() for empty Elektra key
* [build]: set libxml2 include options
* [alpha]: new oyOption_SetFromText() and oyOptions_GetText()
* [docu]: correct text info for oyranos-monitor --help
* [and]: allow for roundtripping oyOptions_s <-> XML
* [alpha]: remove oyOption_s::name member and merge with registration
* [API]: OY_TYPE_STD "default" "colour"
* [and]: update to last Elektra namespace proposal on ColourWiki
* [alpha]: sync between oyOPTIONSOURCE_e and oyOPTIONDEFAULTS_e
* [alpha]: remove "colour_icc"/oyFILTER_TYPE_COLOUR_ICC registration type
* [and]: oyOptions_Add() does not doublicate options in a set
* [alpha]: add oyOPTIONATTRIBUTE_FRONT/"front" to the registration option level
* [fix]: missed allocation of ::value in oyOption_Copy_()
* [alpha]: split oyFilter_New() in smaller internal components
* [alpha]: allow for a non binary answeres for boolean tests
* [alpha]: add oyStructList_Clear(), oyStructList_CopyFrom()
* [alpha]: add oyOptions_DoFilter()
* [alpha]: priorise "shared" in oyOptions_Add()
* [alpha]: add oyOptions_SetFromText()
* [lcms]: mark one option as advanced
* [alpha]: shuffle oyOPTIONSOURCE_e and oyOPTIONATTRIBUTE_e enums
* [alpha]: polish the Elektra namespace implementation
* [build]: make synonym to docu
* [docu]: typo
* [alpha]: allow for obtaining the meta and filter options separately
* [conf]: add xml2 to pkg-config and oyranos-config tools
* [build]: fix configuration for test2 target
* [conf]: add xml2 to pkg-config tool
* [and]: wrap standard string functions into Oyranos macros
* [and]: undefine default DEBUG in oyranos_debug.h
* [fix]: warning about unknown std. profile type in oyProfiles_FromStd()
* [and]: fix a compile warning
* [fix]: include missed profiles for oyProfile_ForStd()
* [build]: fix [ 2249349 ] configure failed
* [alpha]: add rendering_gamut_warning option
* [alpha]: move options handling into the filter for oyCMMapi1_s
* [API]: export oy_debug to provide a grip for external message functions
* [and]: add function call level intending again to debug output
* [and]: add __func__ info to debug output for __GNUC__
* [and]: remove OYRANOS_DEBUG checking
* [and]: rework the debug system
* [alpha]: add oyOption_GetValueText()
* [and]: add oyCloseReal__ to close Elektra
* [and]: add oyExportReset_()
* [test]: start with testing in Oyranos
* [build]: make check target points to tests/test_oyranos
* [docu]: formatting
* [and]: fix for oyCloseReal__()
* [alpha]: update oyOption_Match_() to suit current registration definition
* [test]: add profile reading and monitor profiles tests
* [build]: require a partitial install to satisfy a make check
* [build]: FreeBSD RM
* [build]: show git sha1 of git master
* [conf]: explicitely provide commands to sub directory makefiles
* [test]: allow "make check" for non git builds
* [conf]: remove GNU "echo -e" extension
* [test]: avoid redundant libxml2 call
* [build]: remove GNU "echo -e" extension
* [conf]: remove directory name guessing
* [test]: precise profile count fail
* [build]: move FLTK_H flags out of general C compiling
* [conf]: use current compiler for test
* [build]: couple make install_bin with uninstall_bin
* [alpha]: add oyCMMlibMatchesCMM()
* [alpha]: rename oyCMMptr_s::cmm to oyCMMptr_s::lib_name and update API's
* [alpha]: rename oyFilter_s::cmm_ to oyFilter_s::lib_name_
* [test]: allow filtering
* [fix]: test for X11 connection during communication
* [build]: fix test_oyranos app building on Solaris
* [conf]: set "rm" for osX builds
* [and]: more warnings in oyProfile_FromMemMove_()
* [fix]: SunC byte order macro bug
* [and]: fix SunC compile warning
* [docu]: update ChangeLog
* [docu]: update man pages
* [fix]: mem bug for too long messages
* [build]: allow DESTDIR variable with spaces
* [and]: adjust debug output
* [build]: fix installation to DESTDIR with empty spaces
* [build]: BUILDDIR changes
* [alpha]: add full qualified librarynames to oyCMMsGetLibNames_
* [build]: smaller compile messages
* [build]: repair trivial message
Kai-Uwe Behrmann
developing for colour management
www.behrmann.name + www.oyranos.org
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