[Openicc] Announce : Oyranos Version 0.1.9

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Thu Dec 18 13:19:31 PST 2008

On Thursday 18 December 2008, Hal V. Engel wrote:
> Yes it appears that it is missing although on my system this did not cause
> any problems.  Actually looking at older kolor-manager directories that I
> kept around the file is cmake/modules/FindCups.cmake and it appears that
> the reason that it worked for me is that I have this by default in
> /usr/share/cmake/Modules and /usr/share/cmake-2.5/Modules.  
> It looks like FindCups.cmake was not checked into svn.  I think we need to
> ask Cyril about this since he checked it in.  I suspect that perhaps this
> should be on every system that has cmake installed and that this is the
> reason it was not checked in since it should not cause a problem if cmake
> is correctly installed..

Actually it was removed sometime ago since indeed there is one shipped with 
cmake (now?). (and you shouldn't use cmake-2.5... it's a developement 
version, better upgrade to 2.6.2)

Cyrille Berger

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