[Openicc] [Gimp-print-devel] [Printing-architecture] Colour

Roy Harrington roy at harrington.com
Sat Nov 14 17:15:09 PST 2009

> I humbly suggest that what you want is a utility that allows the user to print targets and generate/install ICC profiles for a > > particular combination of printer, media, and other settings. If you have to select a profile at print time, then the printing > > workflow is broken.
> Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer

While a separate utility might be a useful thing, I think you are
missing the point of view of the higher
end people printing.  Most have Photoshop and print from Photoshop.
Most use various different papers,
not just printer manufacturer supplied papers.   So if you want to use
various papers and the Epson
driver you need to download ICC profiles from somewhere or create your
own custom ones.
When you print you've got to be able to select which profile will be
used -- during the printing process.

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