[Openicc] [cairo] Adding a color management interface to GTK

Hal V. Engel hvengel at astound.net
Sun Jan 24 12:35:14 PST 2010

On Sunday 24 January 2010 12:33:06 am Chris Murphy wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2010, at 4:38 AM, Richard Hughes wrote:
> > And the performance hit of that is, well, huge. There's a reason Apple
> > and Microsoft haven't put the CMM in the window manager. It's a cool
> > trick, but in my opinion, not a good idea.
> From what I've been told about Snow Leopard, this is exactly what's
>  happening on OS 10.6. Full display compensation system wide. If the object
>  isn't explicitly tagged, the source is assumed to be sRGB. The destination
>  is display RGB, which by default is a profile build on the fly from EDID.
> Chris Murphy
> Color Remedies (TM)
> New York, NY

In addition for GSoC 2009 we had a project to create a GPU accelerated CM 
module for X.Org composite.  The student had it working nicely on single 
monitor systems but had issues with content that was located near the 
boundaries between monitors on multi monitor systems.  So not only is Apple 
now doing this but we have most of the code needed to do this in X.Org.  
Modern graphics hardware is now so powerful that this will work even on low 
end GPUs and older mid to high end GPUs.


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