[Openicc] Devicelink profiles and accompanying metadata

Alastair M. Robinson blackfive at fakenhamweb.co.uk
Mon Apr 5 09:09:37 PDT 2010

Hi :)

Kai-Uwe Behrmann wrote:

> They would become visible in the general ICC profile path.
> How does you think software can select these profiles? What shall the UI
> show to the user or how can the selection happen automatic?

Well these issues are the reason for my question - I wanted to know
whether anyone else had given it any thought, and whether there was any
consensus on the right way to handle devicelinks, before putting too
much time into it myself.

I can only speak for my own software, but currently I display a
Descriptive name for a profile if possible, and the filename if not.
The ProfileSelector widget used in PhotoPrint, CMYKTool, etc., has a
flag which the application can use to choose whether or not devicelinks
will be included in the list of profiles.

I don't know how good or otherwise the support for Devicelinks is in
other software, or how much havoc their appearance in standard search
paths would cause - would it be better to create a new directory for
these (say, XDG_DATA_HOME/color/devicelink or
XDG_DATA_HOME/color/icc_devicelink) or just cache them privately?

> Consider the 'psid' tag?

The profiles I intend to create will be created using the ArgyllCMS
command-line utilities - so I guess I'd need to write some kind of
"injector" utility to add such a tag after the profile's created (unless
there's some utility already out there that I don't know about yet?).
Other than that, it sounds like an ideal solution.

Thanks for the response :)

All the best
Alastair M. Robinson

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