[Openicc] colord 0.1.0 released!

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Thu Jan 13 17:11:07 PST 2011

Jean-Michel Pouré - GOOZE wrote:
> The only missing piece was color management in printing.

Nothing has stopped you color managing printing under Linux
for some time now. Much Linux software supports ICC
profiles (my icclib, and Marti's more popular lcms have been
available to application developers for the last 10 years),
and there has always been the fallback of color managing the
rasters, even if the applications don't support ICC.
Pluggins and extensions such as Alastair M. Robinson tools at
<http://www.blackfiveimaging.co.uk/> have been around for
quite a while too.

colord joins/competes with Oyranos as a convenient way of managing
profile (as well as ArgyllCMS's jcnf to a limited degree).

I'm wondering though, whether colord is a solution that will work
with more than just GNOME ? How about FreeBSD :-) ?

(i.e. how cross UNIX-like-platform or desktop is it ?)

Graeme Gill.

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