[Openicc] colord 0.1.0 released!

Graeme Gill graeme at argyllcms.com
Mon Jan 17 16:41:26 PST 2011

Alastair M. Robinson wrote:
> In that case the rendering pipeline needs to detect when source and
> destination profiles are identical, and bypass the transform completely.
> Allowing the CM engine to transform the data between two CMYK profiles
> would be disastrous for profiling - even if they're identical - because
> it would mess up the GCR.

But this is exactly the root cause of the Apple profiling problems !

They treat matching profiles as a null transform, and as a side
effect use it to pass unmodified numbers to the device.

Relying on such a match is fragile, and is not a direct way
to signal the actual intention. Don't follow Apple down
into this mess! If you want to disable certain transforms,
be explicit about it, that way the intention signalling
is robust.

Graeme Gill.

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