[Openicc] Assigning icc profiles to driver settings
Ann L McCarthy
almccart at lexmark.com
Tue Jan 18 10:57:31 PST 2011
At the Nov ICC meeting we discussed this issue and agreed to continue
working on it.
So -- in the meantime -- let's understand that this is a issue pending a
solution, rather than giving the impression that there is no solution.
Best regards,
Ann McCarthy
Imaging Systems R&D
Lexmark International, Inc.
Leonard Rosenthol <leonardr at pdfsages.com>
Sent by: openicc-bounces+almccart=lexmark.com at lists.freedesktop.org
01/18/2011 01:49 PM
homann at colormanagement.de
OpenICC Liste <openicc at lists.freedesktop.org>
Re: [Openicc] Assigning icc profiles to driver settings
On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Jan-Peter Homann <
homann at colormanagement.de> wrote:
1) PPD colour keywords:
The PPD for a given printer must be able, to describe all color relevant
driver settings with all parameters (incl. low level driver settings if
an ICC profile will be assigned to a proper parametrized PPD and the PPD
will completely set up the color options in the printer driver.
I (and other folks at Adobe) support thsi model. In fact, we've been
trying to convince various printer vendors to do this for their PPDs for
YEARS. However, all of the major vendors are unwilling to do so for
various business and/or technical reasons. So any provided PPDs would
need to be MODIFIED versions of the originals...
2) Driver settings implemented as metadata-information into the
Like with the PPD-workflow, all color relebant printer driver settings are
stored as metadata into the ICC-profile.
Modification of ICC profiles is a BAD IDEA!
As noted elsewhere in the thread, it breaks the ID and prevent the use of
the profiles in other workflows where comparison of profiles is important.
In addition, many/most of the standard profiles do NOT support
modification as part of their license. (discussions of OSS licensing for
profiles to /dev/null please).
Leonard _______________________________________________
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