[Openicc] colord 0.1.0 released!
Graeme Gill
graeme at argyllcms.com
Tue Jan 18 14:52:04 PST 2011
Leonard Rosenthol wrote:
> True - and that's what (regular) PDF does when you use DeviceCMYK (hence the
> name ;). Of course, that's NOT what you want for normal usage - but for
> something like a target/profile chart it's OK.
PS & PDF DeviceCMYK have been subverted though, due to the expectations
of countless applications writers and users over many years. You can't
sell a RIP that doesn't map DeviceCMYK to a "nice" printing space,
and also maps DeviceRGB to an sRGB like space, etc. PS even has the
subversion built in, with the UseCIEColor flag. So to really run
profiling charts, some way of specifying "Really Truly Device Space"
needs to be used.
Graeme Gill.
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